Title : Will Reina Gossett Finally Apologize for Her Social-Media Hit-and-Run on 'Marsha P. Johnson' Filmmaker David France?
link : Will Reina Gossett Finally Apologize for Her Social-Media Hit-and-Run on 'Marsha P. Johnson' Filmmaker David France?
Will Reina Gossett Finally Apologize for Her Social-Media Hit-and-Run on 'Marsha P. Johnson' Filmmaker David France?
Here we go again. The Advocate's Dawn Ennis conducted a three-month investigation into trans activist and filmmaker Reina Johnson's claims that David France "stole" the idea for a film about Marsha P. Johnson from her and concludes what every rational person has been saying all along: No, he didn't.
France shared the story on social media, saying it reminded him of Pat Moynihan's helpful insight: "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts."
Noted AIDS/LGBTQ activist Peter Staley weighs in
I think the next logical question is to ask if France will now get an apology from Gossett for her libelous claims and the answer is this: I wouldn't hold your breath. Why should she take responsibility for defaming someone when she can hide behind falsehoods that play into a larger narrative that is an actual problem? (Hollywood is controlled by straight white men and it is harder for people of color -- especially trans people -- to get films made, so why not conflate it all here for attention at the expense of someone's reputation, right?) Now does anyone want to do a three-month investigation into where the more than $60,000 people donated to Gossett to make a film went?
Read Dawn Ennis's piece HERE.
Thus Article Will Reina Gossett Finally Apologize for Her Social-Media Hit-and-Run on 'Marsha P. Johnson' Filmmaker David France?
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