Title : President's Day? Nothing To Celebrate Given The Nation Is One SC Decision From History's Scrap Heap - Thanks To Dictator Dotard.
link : President's Day? Nothing To Celebrate Given The Nation Is One SC Decision From History's Scrap Heap - Thanks To Dictator Dotard.
President's Day? Nothing To Celebrate Given The Nation Is One SC Decision From History's Scrap Heap - Thanks To Dictator Dotard.
Even as we learned over the weekend that European leaders (at a global security conference in Munich) now regard Donald Trump as a bigger security threat than Putin, we've beheld the spectacle of more than a half dozen lawsuits being mounted in the U,S. against this renegade orange ape who dares call himself a human and president. Not in my book. He's a traitor, swine and scumball and no more merits the presidency than being a dogcatcher.
So this President's Day, is not a day to celebrate, but to possibly prepare to mourn the downfall of the latest historical experiment in democratic governance. I refer, of course, to the specious declaration of a "national emergency" on Friday, with Trump even openly admitting he "didn't need to this" - he just wanted his mythical wall for a mythical crisis fast tracked.
Earlier I, like many, held out hope that the National Emergencies Act of 1976 would have allowed the Dem House to short circuit the move. Basically, nip it in the bud. Thus,an initial House vote to block Trump's folly and overreach would automatically trigger a Senate vote and there wouldn't be a damned thing Mitch McConnell could do to impede it.
But alas, we've since learned this presumptive check-and-balance mechanism was severely eroded by a 1983 Supreme Court ruling. It held that to have legal effect, such a congressional resolution must be presented to the president for signature or veto. That would mean a 2/3 Senate majority (67 votes) would be needed to override it, not likely to happen with so many butt -licking Repubs still in Trump's orbit. (Like Sen. Lindsey Graham who now plans to take over Devin Nunes' place as running interference - on the Senate Judiciary Committee, for Trump e.g.
Trump first, country second, even if it means the country going into the crapper. Think I'm exaggerating? Think again! As legal expert Robert Weissman has pointed out:
"If this invocation of emergency on false pretenses is tolerated, it could justify almost limitless abuses of presidential and military power, including far-reaching clampdowns on civil rights ."
"If the president can merely cry "emergency" to override national law and contravene explicit congressional action—particularly when the claimed emergency is transparently fraudulent—then it is hard to know what limits exist on presidential power. What's to stop the president from declaring an emergency and limiting the right to protest? To round up people of color en masse to combat purported gang activity? To deploy the military on the streets to maintain order? To censor social media and Internet conversations?"
Elizabeth Goltein, a specialist from the Brennan Center for Justice, e.g
is also not sanguine about the Supremes putting a halt to this blatant destruction of constitutional checks and balances. As she writes in a recent post on (smirkingchimp blog -see link at the end):
"It might seem that the courts would put a quick stop to the president’s antics. But the National Emergencies Act, passed by Congress in 1976, will not make things easy for anyone preparing litigation to stop Trump. The law gives the president complete discretion to declare a national emergency; there is no definition of emergency and no criteria that must be met. As a result, most judges would tend to defer to the president’s determination that an emergency does exist, however much of a stretch it might seem.
That doesn’t mean the president has carte blanche to violate the Constitution under the guise of false emergencies. With sufficient evidence that Trump is acting in bad faith — that he is abusing the discretion Congress granted him for the purpose of subverting constitutional constraints, including the prohibition on spending funds that Congress has not appropriated — a judge could still find that the emergency declaration is invalid....'
But the kicker follows:
"Still, the Supreme Court has already shown its willingness to defer to Trump on claims of national security. When he invoked broad immigration powers to ban travel from majority-Muslim countries after revising the ban twice to deal with objections from lower courts, five Supreme Court justices were willing to credit paper-thin national security justifications and ignore obvious signs of an unconstitutional motive. There is a risk that the Supreme Court or other courts could take a similar approach here — and that they could choose to read the emergency powers themselves quite broadly.
And even if the current emergency is struck down by the courts, it could be a short-lived victory. The next time Trump concocts an emergency, he might be less vocal about his intent to circumvent Congress, and the laws he invokes might be a better fit for his goals. Some of these emergency laws confer extraordinary powers that are ripe for abuse, including laws that allow the president to take over ."
My take then is that if it comes to that fateful SC decision, and Justice Roberts doesn't stand with the court's liberals to oppose this perfidy, we are all for the high jump. Kiss this nation's democratic and constitutional future goodbye - because, in effect, Adolf Dotard could then even resort to a "national emergency" to halt or indefinitely postpone the next general election. One thing we've learned during Trump's vile occupation, never ever underestimate the degree of his reprehensible rat-like nature.
What about mass citizen protests across the land? Well, they might work but maybe not because so many citizens' brains, minds have already been sucked into Trumpism, at least to the point they are so weak on the outrage monitor they give it an effective pass.
This is one of the most egregious problems afflicting our nation currently or what NY Times Michelle Goldberg has called the "catastrophic awfulness" of his presidency. In a nutshell, it is that too many are becoming inured to it or desensitized. Indeed, some who were once sane and normal are extolling Trump as some latter day "savior" somehow rescuing our Republic. Others are reading this twaddle and letting it colonize their brains like one of the worst memes or mind viruses.
Of course, pro- Trump propaganda and outright balderdash often lies at the core of the subversion process. For example, a recent National Review piece by one Victor Davis Hanson tops the cake in terms of sheer odious glorification of the mad swine fouling the White House. This Trump butt kisser actually compared Trump to Shane in the movie by the same name. In fact, if one watched the movie, Shane (Alan Ladd's character) had principles, self-respect, self-awareness, intelligence and a moral compass - all attributes that Donnie Dotard lacks - in spades.
In the film - part of which was shot on location in the Grand Tetons of Wyoming - where we visited the cabin used on the set, e.g.
We see Shane protecting his homestead and hearth from all nefarious comers. In his piece, Hanson takes this as a cue to compare to Trump, e.g.
"Daily, Trump tweets retorts to his myriads of attackers. No one is too big or small to win exemption. Al that mattered is if anyone drew first on Trump he would empty his six shooter back in a way quite disturbing even to those who invited him in...Trump could no more stop tweeting and ridiculing than Shane could put down his guns".
Yeah, but recall Shane protected and defended the vulnerable and dispossessed, including women and kids from the bad guys. He did NOT cage infants and have border troops fire tear gas at fleeing mothers with infants! He was never the bad guy himself wreaking havoc on one and all. But this is what the nation has now come to: idiots like Hanson, Lance Morrow and others now making every excuse for Trump and comparing him to heroic figures, e.g.
But Trump is no heroic figure or even a decent human being, as Mick Mulvaney even admitted back in 2016 when the pestilence first seriously mounted a campaign,
Mulvaney calls Trump 'terrible' in 2016 video - CNN Video - CNN.com
Trump is an ongoing national dumpster fire that is now burning and disrupting every civilized norm, and spreading rot and disintegration to the Constitution itself. This is no longer a game - if it ever was- and has now mutated into an existential fight for the country's future. As Ben Franklin once put it when asked by a woman if the United States was a monarchy or a Republic:
"A Republic...if you can keep it!"
Well we are one Supreme Court decision away from losing it and the rule of law, likely forever. See also:
by Elizabeth Goitein | February 17, 2019 - 7:20am |
"A Republic...if you can keep it!"
Well we are one Supreme Court decision away from losing it and the rule of law, likely forever. See also:
by Elizabeth Goitein | February 17, 2019 - 7:20am |
by Michael Winship | February 18, 2019 - 7:36am | permalink
Thus Article President's Day? Nothing To Celebrate Given The Nation Is One SC Decision From History's Scrap Heap - Thanks To Dictator Dotard.
That's an article President's Day? Nothing To Celebrate Given The Nation Is One SC Decision From History's Scrap Heap - Thanks To Dictator Dotard. This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
You are now reading the article President's Day? Nothing To Celebrate Given The Nation Is One SC Decision From History's Scrap Heap - Thanks To Dictator Dotard. with the link address https://updated-1news.blogspot.com/2019/02/presidents-day-nothing-to-celebrate.html
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